Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Where to go to find a model:

I'm a regular reader of various forums at and just this morning, I ran across a good question, which now prompts me to post here tonight. A beginner photographer was lamenting the fact that he couldn't get any practice with his new camera, because he needed someone to serve as a model. He had tried his wife and his pet, but neither was helpful nor cooperative with his efforts.

So, for those of you looking for a model, here's some ideas:
  • Try a local college. Some students may be willing to model in exchange for a small fee, and you might find some art students or models from arts classes as well.
  • Try talking to someone at a modeling school, if your community has a modeling school.
  • One poster suggested trying a dance school, as the dancers often will want portfolio photos.
  • In addition, there's a number of Internet sites for models. The biggest is OneModelPlace at
  • There's also a MySpace type website known as Model Mayhem;
  • How about your local employment/unemployment office? Maybe you can find someone looking for work.

There's also a series of specialized words you probably should learn if you go to an Internet modeling site. Here's some terms for you:

  • TFP= time for prints (model will pose in exchange for a limited number of prints)
  • TFCD=time for CD (i.e. model will pose for free, if you provide digital images on a CD)
  • model release=signed permission from the model, allowing the photographer to do what he wants with the images.
  • comp cards--small postcard sized card with 3 to 5 photos of the model, often on both sides, used for promotion and containing key information like height, weight, eye color, hair color, etc.
  • Portfolio--also known as a "book", this is simply a collection of the work of the model or the work of the photographer.
  • Tear sheet--a page containing an image, taken from a magazine or other publication, typically depicting a model's work. May also demonstrate a photographer's work. Tear sheets can also be used to give ideas to a model or photographer for use during a shoot.

One important rule for any photographer working with any model--NEVER touch the model without first receiving permission and/or telling the model what you're about to do and why--i.e. "I'd like to move your arm to exactly where I'd like it. Is that okay?" Act professionally, and you'll leave a positive impression.


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